Victorian Tile restoration service London

I can offer you an amazing service when it comes to restoring original Victorian tiles. My restoration process has been perfected over at least a hundred restoration jobs and the results are as good as they can be.

A stunning black and white Victorian hallway undertaken in Noerth West London. Completely restored with deep cleaning , sealing, repairs and waxing

What do my Victorian tile restorations involve briefly?

  1. CLEANING- There is always deep cleaning with an intensive multi-staged process to get them absolutely clean. Colorful ones clean quicker than black and white ones and I usually take between one and two days to clean a standard size tiled Victorian hallway.
  2. DEEP SEALING – I like to deep seal and color enhance the tiles the morning after cleaning is finished when tiles are dry. This penetrating sealer protects the tiles from staining and enriches the colors as the original ones look quite flat after they have been cleaned and all the old waxes and oils have been drawn out of these porous tiles.
  3. TILE REPAIRS- Tile repairs need to be looked at properly during the cleaning stage. During this time I discuss all the issues with the customer and we decide on what tile repairs I will do. I can do quite allot with filling and color touch ups to save costs so its good to approach tile repairs on a tile by tile basis if the customer is around during the cleaning days.
  4. WAXING – Waxing gets done right at the end once everything has cured , so usually a few days after tiling repairs. These waxes add a nice depth and sheen to the tiles and protect them even further . I no longer use fake acrylic waxes that give the super shine finish. These dont breathe so they trap moisture, salts and get discolored allot. Now I only apply natural blends of waxes ( mostly bees wax). These breath well and are easy to maintain. Bees wax looks very smart once its blended in and hardened. I return to my previous jobs often where I have applied bees wax ( sometimes years before) and they always pleasantly surprise me with how good they look.
  5. COLOR TOUCH UPS AND FILLING – Instead of chiseling out and replacing every damaged tile instead I can often fill and color touch up the bit of damage. This saves allot hassle , time and cost. I can only do this to certain tiles so we have a good look during the cleaning days at what actually needs replacing before we order the replacement tiles. I do these touch ups with durable enamel tile restoration paints just before I wax it the tiles on the final day.
geometric hallway deep cleaned and sealed. An attractive tiled hallway with brown , red, blue , white and yellow tiles in a star like geometric pattern. These tiles were restored and color enhanced with a special enhancer to really bring out the color
These geometric tiles have been deep cleaned on the left and then color enhanced on the right.




My tile restoration service is not limited to Victorian tiles and I do allot of refurbishment work with natural stone and cement en-caustic tiles