Quarry and Terracotta cleaning (North London & Herts)

We deal allot in the cleaning and restoration of Quarry and Terracotta tiles as they are found in many old properties and especially those based in Hertfordshire . They are quite porous so stripping and deep cleaning is usually required, followed by the application of multiple coats of a protective wax. I can install reclaimed ones or completely refurbish your old ones both indoors and out.

attractive terracotta tiles that have been deep cleaned, sealed and waxed
Just see above how deep and rich terracotta tiles can look if properly deep cleaned and sealed with appropriate waxes and oils. We also cover Bedfordshire and South Buckinghamshire 

How do we clean Quarry and Terracotta tiles!

Quarry tiles are very similar to Victorian style tiles when it comes to cleaning. We usually find some form of wax or sealer that has been applied over the many years they have been down. This wax or sealer finds its way into the tile due to the porosity of Quarry and Terracotta and we simply have to remove this to enable a deep clean. We use all types of things to remove this build up and it usually involves steamers and powerful alkali chemical strippers. After this we apply a good acid wash to the floor and this removes dirt build up that the alkali cleaners do not. Needless to say that when we are done cleaning these tiles there is nothing left in them that should not be there. We then need to re apply wax , sealer and polish to the tiles to bring out the colour again and protect them.


A red herringbone Victorian style pathway that was restored in Ealing

Quarry tiles that had allot of plaster and cement residue cleaned, sealed and waxed in Hertfordshire
Look how rich and lively the quarry tiles look once they have been professionally cleaned and finished!. The red really jumps out and the waxes at a depth and sheen. Restoration of your quarry and terracotta tiles gives the appearance of a clean , attractive antique tiled floor as opposed to the usual dark and dirty quarry tiles most homes feature.


A yellow and red style quarry tile that was cleaned and sealed on this front pathway in Tring
With this yellow and red quarry tile pathway the tiles are very moldy and porous. We therefore had to remove the mold before deep chemical cleaning them. We applied allot of colour enriching sealer that goes deep into the tiles and helps prevent them from getting so dirty again

extensive dirt and grime being cleaned from quarry tiles