Concrete worktop polishing service London

Tile Life are able to completely refurbish your cement concrete kitchen worktops or work surfaces. We operate in North London, Hertfordshire, West London, Bedfordshire and South Buckinghamshire. We can also crystallize your concrete work surfaces for extra surface durability and shine.

concrete cement work tops polished cleaned and sealed London

Resurfacing and polishing concrete worktops

Concrete is an incredibly porous material that is very sensitive to acidic products or detergents. When we are called to refurbish concrete worktops we are often faced with numerous stains, marks and etches that need to be removed first.

It is not always possible to remove every stain  as sometimes they run too deep, however staining will always get much better.

To polish concrete cement worksurfaces we first deep clean them by using appropriate cement cleaning detergents and steam. This draws out deeply ingrained dirt and old discoloured tile sealer.

Once nice and clean we begin the resurfacing and polishing process which basically involves removing fine layers of the concrete and gradually closing the pores by using finer grades. We often find concrete cement worktops achieve quite a good level of shine which really lifts them up!

concrete worktops with horrible oil that needed to be cleaned off first
Here you can see the worktops before cleaning and polishing. The client had put some nasty yellowing concrete oil on them that was tough to strip off before polishing could commence

How do we seal concrete cement kitchen work surfaces?

Sealing your concrete worktops is absolutely vital. The sensitive nature of cement requires it to be sealed professionally in order to preserve it or it will get all marked and stained again. Sealing is something the homeowner will need to get used to doing to maintain the work surfaces. We aim to discuss this with our clients on the job if they are around.

concrete kitchen work top polished and sealed

Concrete worktops deep cleaned and polished Barnet London
Here we have another set of concrete worktops deep cleaned and polished up in Barnet North London. See how light and fresh they look after deep cleaning and resurfacing!

Crystalising concrete work surfaces

More recently we have crystallised concrete work tops to give them extra shine and durability. Crystalising is a chemical reaction that works with the calcium in the concrete to for a crystalline like glaze on top of the surface. This makes the surface more dense and durable. Its looks pretty nice and on softer worktops where I struggle to polish them this makes all the difference by hardening the surface


crystallised concrete work top making the surface more durable and looks shiny
I struggled to polish this worktop as it was quite soft. But I applied the crystalising chemical and afterwards the surface hardened upp and you could feel a much smoother water resistant surface by running your hand over it afterwards.